Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sign of life from the accident driver

Düsseldorf / Neuss - For two and a half days he was gone without a trace.
Now the bus driver has Frank P., the man who had caused the serious drunk bus accident in Neuss, with his partner Monika as reported by telephone in Burscheid.
The fear remains that he could do something out of shame. The accident driver - after EXPRESS information he should have had a blood alcohol value of more than two parts per thousand have.
He had disappeared without trace after the blood sample never arrived with his wife and child (10) in Burscheid.
Monika B.: "Yesterday morning he then reported briefly on the phone. He has not told me where he is. He wanted to come in but immediately put the train. By late afternoon he was still not there. He must still think of our son. "
 Urgent him speak would also like his boss, the bus operator Frank Jorgen from Burscheid. Jorgen: "But with me he has not yet reported."
Jorgen thinks highly of his driver: "He is going for over 20 years for us. Always correct, and he is very popular. If we, for example, the teams from 1 FC Cologne and Borussia Moenchengladbach drive, is expressly and he always wanted. "
This will do the musicians from the regimental brass corps Neuss-Reuschenberg not anymore. About 40 times they had already gone before Frank P.. Then the near-disaster on the A 57 with 33 injured musicians.
Corps CEO Michael Polus: "One of our musicians is still with a skull fracture in the hospital." Polus has now turned a lawyer: "We will sue for damages and pain and suffering."
Read auchBetrunkener driver disappeared without a trace>