Monday, May 24, 2010

Zoch premiere on the wagon

Düsseldorf - The hot phase of the carnival season is in full swing, Monday is Carnival Monday!
For Düsseldorf Prince a very special day with a premiere, to which he is looking forward huge: "I've never gone with a car in Zoch!"
Since he is now so long in the carnival, but on a car is Rose Monday Lothar Hörning (President of the rainbow KG) have never been there. "I was with my KG rainbow always before Zoch, but when Fußgruppe. This is now my car Premiere - I can not wait. The experience as a prince to be allowed, gives me an extra sense of happiness. "
For his subjects, he has made provisions in abundance. "500 pounds of candy!" Under the robe he will wear warm Skiwäsche.
As he prepares for the final days of his term? "I will enjoy as before with all my heart every minute. And I appreciate everyone I can toast and a smile. "
On Ash Wednesday it's all over ... "Too bad. I could continue partying for three weeks. But I carry within me the positive feeling of having done everything right. "
Just as his Venetia Ute. "A bit of nostalgia is already on with me. We had such a great time! I do not regret a second. "Today they will be with the Prince Lothar Niederkasseler tons of races. "My home club. I look forward to it very much! "
Unlike her prince she has ever gone with a car. "But that is certainly a special experience. But this prince car! "The dress she will wear sturdy boots. "Otherwise, I have not been specially prepared for Carnival Monday. Fun in the joy - that is the purest vitamin infusion!