Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Aircraft noise over the city: Wind is to blame

Cologne - The huge cargo jumbos from Cologne / Bonn to fly a new route. Reason: the current weather and wind!
Airport spokesman Walter confirmed Romans: "The weather situation in Cologne has changed. We now have wind from north-west direction. As the machines start in the wind direction, it is now flying towards Rodenkirchener bridge. "
Nevertheless: This wind will change to keep only four to six weeks. Currently, the Tower is about 55 starts per night. And these movements are on the edge of downtown is now documented by aircraft noise opponents: the "Initiative against night noise in the south of Cologne" as admonished in to OB Schramma that the cargo planes often vary more than 500 yards from the set route.
 Measurements showed Tuesday morning between 4 and 5 clock clock morning a Dezibelbelastung 75 to 82! Comparable to a car that rushes past directly at the bedroom window ...
One of the mourners: EXPRESS readers Kambis Gesseljay, tenants in the Belgian Veedel. "Horror-state. In the city the whole day one has been too much noise. Now, even at night. Then I wake up on a regular basis, my girlfriend and our dogs. The day is in the bucket. "
The Federal Association Against Aircraft Noise "calls for a general ban on night flights. Also, because noise disrupts cycle and psyche. But Cologne / Bonn is continuing to expand, established 2010 "FedEx" its hub for Central and Eastern Europe. And run until 2015, night flight regime should be extended.